Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Blog Topic

I want to do research about the new breakthrough in stem-cell research. Recently, scientists have discovered a way to create stem cell without destroying and embryo. Before, scientists would take a fertilized egg and wait for it to develop into an embryo. Then, they would take stem cells out of the embryo, destroying the embryo. Now, scientists have found how to take skin cells and create stem cells. By adding four distinct genes to the stem cell, they can re-program it to be a stem cell.


Julia said...

Ooh, nice idea. It could be revolutionary in medicine, especially as it sidesteps most controversy. Cool!

Always Wear Your Safety Goggles said...

That topic sounds so cool! good luck with your research! :)

Amanda's Chem Blog said...

This topic sounds great! But mine's better!! hehe jking

Amanda's Chem Blog said...

So you already have general knowledge on this topic! Sounds good ( mines still better)! I am commenting again because I felt like it! I am interested in learning about this topic! There are many debates out there about this topic, so make sure you add them to you blog cause I want to read about them. ok bye

Silver > Gold said...

I'd just heard about this too! It sounds like a really good topic, especially since it's constantly under debate.

James said...

Very interesting. Sounds very cool. It is a good topic to learn about since it is in the media so often.

gealina said...

Hey Zach!
That's a really cool topic... There was just an article that came out in Time Magazing about that kind of stuff, I don't know if you've seen it yet, but if you're interested I can let you borrow/copy the magazine... and here's a url to an online copy of the article:,9171,1686833,00.html

So have fun reading! G'luck. :]